Het is alweer de derde week in september....wat gaat het allemaal toch snel...
It's already the third week in September ... how fast it all goes ...
Hier gebeurd niet veel....best wel saai eigenlijk..
Not much happens here .... quite boring actually ..
Ik probeer mijn best te doen...om hier doorheen te komen maar dat valt echt niet mee...
I'm trying to do my best ... to get through this but it's really not easy ...
Gelukkig heb ik Leaf en daar vind ik echt steun aan...we wandelen iedere dag...en hebben het gezellig samen..
Fortunately I have Leaf and I really find support for that ... we walk every day ... and have a good time together ..
De boom in het bos
liet in de herfst alles los
Alles liet hij gaan
Hij fluisterde zacht
loslaten is nodig
om sterker in het leven
te staan...
The tree in the forest
let go of everything in the fall
He let everything go
He whispered softly
letting go is necessary
to be stronger in life
to stand...
Geniet van de herfst liefs Ria en Leaf xš¾š

Enjoy the fall with love Ria and Leaf xš¾š
19 opmerkingen:
I'm so glad you have your faithful companion Leaf! I know it's difficult and I'm keeping you in my prayers. Take care my friend!
Fijn weer iets van je te horen lieve Ria, ben zo
blij voor je dat Leaf een grote steun voor je is.
Elke dag kunnen jullie een aantal keren samen op stap
voor een fijne wandeling. Prachtige herfstfoto's laat je zien.
Dit jaargetijde heeft toch veel charme, geniet er maar volop van.
Enne..... die boom in het bos......
heeft helemaal gelijk hoor, hoe moeilijk dat ook is maar
loslaten is de weg naar nieuwe vreugdeš§”
Veel sterkte meis,
liefsssss Josephine,
"GOD GIVES US DREAMS.....A SIZE TOO BIG,SO THAT WE CAN GROW INTO THEM." You have an adorable blog...Looks like you are an adorable person! I am sure lots of good things will happen to you... "27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14 :27. Sending hugs.
Je mag best zeggen wat een kl....zooi, maar meis je doet het goed. Jij en Leaf genieten van elkaars aanwezigheid. Je maakt prachtige foto's waar wij van mee mogen genieten. Ik hoop dat de toekomst jou moois en liefs gaat brengen. Ondertussen wees trots op jezelf en geniet want het leven gaat te snel.
My dearest Ria, good morning.
I can only say that we are not alone. We feel alone and everyone is experiencing some kind of loss or trouble; I cry a lot because I don't know where to begin my new journey of being retired. People are confused about why I am not overjoyed that I'm retired...I feel too young to be "done." I know it's not the end for me but sometimes, it feels that way.
There are friends and family that are experiencing worse, so try to bring myself back to a place of gratitude. The news only reports the worse and all of us are afraid.
We love you, Ria.
Ja, de tijd gaat zo snel voorbij ... en overal zie je al dat de herfst er is.
Mooi van de boom in het bos !
Fijn dat je het samen met Leaf gezellig hebt, Ria !
Geniet van het weekend,
These are beautiful Fall photos, Ria. Sometimes days where not much is happening are the best days. How nice that you walk every day with Leaf. Spending time in nature is good for you during this time. I know it's hard for you right now, and I'm sending you a big hug of comfort and love.
Wat een mooi gedicht! Sterkte Ria, ik kan me voorstellen dat de naderende herfst/winter je afschrikken, maar je bent vaak sterker dan jezelf denkt!
Dear Ria!
You have to change your life. You have a faithful friend with you - the Leaf. Don't think about that reptile (ex-husband) who has abandoned you anymore.
You are a unique, wonderful person so find yourself a new man. Enjoy life and seek love.
I kiss you and greet you.
š Such beautiful photographs of Autumn Ria. Not much going on here either. So lovely that you have Leaf ..... such a gorgeous dog. š XXXX
Dearest Ria!
You are a wonderful young person. You should get him out of your heart and mind. You have to believe in yourself and look for a new friend for you and the Leaf.
Kisses and greetings from Poland.
Dear Ria,
Leaf is really a super sweet heart! Lovele autumn pictures. Since three days a cold autumn wind is blowing here in the southern part of Austria. So not much is going on here too.
Send you a big hug and all my love
Happy Sunday too. Today here is a sunny day. Sending hugs from far,far away.
Ria, I am sorry but I did not realize what has been going on in your life since Covid. I cannot imagine the pain of your husband leaving after 29 years, especially at this crazy uncertain time. What I know for sure is that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and that is a fact. You will mourn and you will grieve and then you will move on to a new life. Thank God that you have your sweet pup for love and comfort. I am praying for you and thinking of you during these difficult times. You are loved and it is a beautiful gift to the world that you show up here and share your beauty as well and visiting our blogs to leave comments when you are hurting.
Take care,
Sending you a warm hug dear Ria! Yvonne
Have a LOVELY weekend Ria...
Autumn is such a beautiful season. It's good that you have dear Leaf, a dog is a wonderful companion when you're going through tough times. Be strong Ria x
Hoe mooi zijn de kleuren van de herfstbladeren ... ik wil ze echt eens persoonlijk zien. Je foto's zien er geweldig uit.
Fijn weekend.
Groeten uit Indonesiƫ.
A beautiful post, I enjoyed your pictures.
Thinking of you.
All the best Jan
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