zondag 10 juli 2022

Blije Leaf…Happy Leaf …


Leaf geniet van haar kluif op deze mooie zondag…

Leaf is enjoying her bone on this beautiful Sunday… 

En ikzelf van mij nieuwe plant…

And myself from my new plant…

Do you know what is the most beautiful thing you can own? Inner peace. Because it is that something that allows you to face and overcome everything.

Fijne zondag en week allemaal! 

Liefs Ria en Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

Happy Sunday and week you all ! 

Love Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀


vrijdag 1 juli 2022

Zo waar…So true….

We are born without having anything,we die without taking anything with us.

And meanwhile we argue to own something.

Heel fijn weekend liefs Ria en Leaf 🍀🐾💗🍀

Have a nice weekend love Ria and Leaf 🍀🐾💗🍀